Love knows Who It's Connected to and favors The One That It Comes From..., so in other words, if it's Really Love in you, then that's God in you, and as He gets bigger in you, and takes up more space, then He's drawing you closer to Himself in that process, and Love is really the License or Sea that True Authority and The Ability to use the Gifts of God are inside of. For without Love, none of it profits us, and that's why wherever God is, there is Love and Liberty, for it's impossible to not know the Spirit of The Law if The Spirit of God is there and if The Spirit of God is there, then Love will be there and Love Conquers All, which means if Love is in a space, then It's taking over that space and that space is increasingly glorifying God, and there is No defense against it. So Love's Favorite is God and It's at Home in Him, but it isn't anywhere that He isn't, and it's never truly working autonomously apart from Him. So if you love father or mother of son or daughter etc more than you Love God, then that just means that you're not there yet. But let God take you deeper and He will show you how everyone you care about is safer with God than kept tightly in your hand or heart without giving them to Him. And if you can't do that, then you're just confused, so let Him get you past yourself, He's the Only One Who Can.